Thursday, December 13, 2007
MLB's - Mitchell Report - An attempt to increase publicity for the MLB through "negative press" - Brillitant example of public relations
I will go ahead a say a little dirty secret: American's don't care if their MLB teams use steroids or any other type of illegal performance enhancer. Because Americans love big super strong athletes, the biggest, the best, the strongest; that's what being AMERICAN is all about. So why all the public outcry about the Mitchell Report and illegal doping in baseball? Well, there really isn't any public outcry, but its juicy enough for ESPN and major other news outlets to report on - because after all the news only reports on juicy topics. It's hard to actually find juicy topics to report on on a daily basis. The MLB steroid news is juicy enough to run nationally, and internationally - hell performance enhancing drugs and the media seem to have a love affair. Not sure why, but I think it feeds a reversal of psychology that the media and the public seem to have. The public's opinions and beliefs are largely created and directly influenced by what the media says (sort of: what was first, the chicken or the egg?).
The publicity department at MLB (major league baseball) should really be called the MLSB (the major league baseball of really small penises - because it seems like everyone is using steroids or weight loss pills), because the top top people of MLB, the owners, want their players to be the biggest, strongest, wildest major league baseball player that a MLB player can be. It's sort of like race horse ownership, but with far more expensive horses. It would be an interesting study to analyze the average cost of a Churchill downs race horse and a MLB baseball player - perhaps a future blog post. So anyhow, back to the MLB's publicity department and their incredibly good PR methodology: No press is bad press. This steroid scandal is actually good PR the MLB because it is increasing consumer awareness of MLB. The American public secretly loves steroid usage. It certainly won't hurt viewer ship ratings, hell; I want to watch MLB to see how big these steroid injected fuckers are. Isn't that why people sort of love WWE and mixed martial arts (UFC - ultimate fighting championship?). It's almost like MLB is WWE, but its actually real. They play baseball to fucking kill the other team/opponents. It's a war among teams that involves money, fame, sex, and power. Believe me, baseball teams and their players are celebs in every city. So the term, The Mitchell report, that will probably live on in MLB infamy for the next 20 years, is nothing but a marketing piece that the MLB publicity department cooked up. So sports fans, wake the fuck up - your sheeple. Marketers control: this country, advertising, the way you think, and the way you spend.
I myself do business in mass marketing (as you can probably observe from this blog post) and I must give MLB a "kudos". For this news release and pr blitz / marketing creative is a brilliantly orchestrated fabrication of the "real purpose" behind it. All marketing and news for that matter, is the ability to disguise the truth and exploit it for money making purposes (establishing a brand and ultimately making insane amounts of money) A little tip for all you mass marketers out there: its easier to create a negative controvery and get people to talk about your brand (for example: Taser guns) then it is to create a news release (an angle on a topic that a business ultimately benefits from - because it gets your products brand and name mentioned on a national basis). So, in summation, the easy way out; the quickest and most profitable way to increase your business: is to create negative controversy about your business. Make is seem like you are a piece of shit company and unworthy of any business from the public. The reverse engineering of smart marketing.
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The real name of this report should have been called the "Kirk Radomski Report" All the info in this report is only based off the testimony of 2 people, Radomski, and Clemens trainer, McNamee or however you spell it. Think about all the 100's of players that aren't involved with these to people, why aren't they on the list? This report was NOT useful and tainted the careers of a lot of prominent players. I am very curious to see what punishments will be handed out...only time will tell.
Nice post you got here. I'd like to read a bit more concerning this topic.
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